The Mouth Harp

Is a small, three-pronged instrument,
that looks somewhat like a tuning fork.
The two outer prongs are placed between the teeth,
and the third- the tongue of the instrument, is plucked with a finger.
It makes hardly a sound on its own,
but when held in front of the cavity of the mouth,

the vibrations of the Mouth Harp’s tongue are amplified,
and the sound produced is controlled
by the shape and size of the inside of the mouth.

The human tongue dances,
and as it dances it choreographs the most unimaginable sounds.
Highs and lows, twitters and flicks, and the dance becomes a song.

Welcome to the World of the Mouth Harp.

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The Mouth Harp, to much of society today, is frequently regarded as a nondescript instrument; an amateur noise-maker; a mere musical toy.
This perception is understandable, for Mouth Harps ordinarily found in musical instrument stores are often mass-produced specimens incapable of true musical capacity.

However, the Mouth Harp – also known as Jew’s Harp or Jaw Harp, is one of the most ancient musical instruments in the world, a traditional folk instrument hand-crafted still within cultures across the globe.

During the last couple decades, there has been a global resurgence of popularity surrounding this instrument – an expansion of awareness to the simplicity and the awesomeness of the experience of playing one.
Quite simple to learn, no prior musical experience is necessary for anyone to discover the pleasure of playing a Mouth Harp!

World Harps’ mission is to source quality hand-made Mouth Harps directly from craftsmen around the world, and to provide you with an opportunity to truly discover the Mouth Harp’s potential as a contemporary musical instrument that anyone can play.